Kuro Francis
4 min readMay 4, 2022

Francis Kuro Apr.18.2022 God’s Principles for Daily Living. 0

Domestic violence is abuse committed by someone in the victim’s domestic circle. This includes partners and ex partners, immediate family members, relatives, family friends etc. Domestic violence is usually use when there is a close relationship between the offender and the victim. Domestic violence in marriage is a violent, intimidating, or abusive behavior in a marriage relationship.

Domestic violence in marriage could be physical, emotional, sexual etc. Violence against women especially in marriages has become a global problem. It’s emotionally and morally wrong, and highly unacceptable in all ramification. It could be regarded as crime against humanity.



Drug abuse


Lack of love

Bad influence


Unemployment etc.


Anxiety, depression, miscarriage, stillbirth, death etc Others are physical injuries like bruises, broken arm, legs, etc. Divorce and separation are some of the consequences of domestic violence. Children from broken homes are prone to crime, drug abuse, early sex, marriages and other form of societal ills. Children from broken homes caused by domestic violence sometimes lack love and care from their parent as a result of divorce, and separation.


So many women are victims of domestic violence but are unable to speak out because of threat from their spouse, lack of money to take care of themselves, believe, culture etc. Whosoever abuses his spouse, relatives etc is wicked, ungodly and evil. Some of the perpetrators of domestic violence are religious leaders who supposed to preach against any act of violence against women.

Several death had been recorded as a result of domestic violence in marriages. Some religious leaders has also contributed to the death of their members who are victims of domestic violence by advising them not to leave their home irrespective of the danger and threat to the life of the victim.

Advice to women facing domestic violence in their marriages.

  1. Identify the root cause. As a woman, when you experience sudden domestic violence from your husband; try to identify the causes because their is no smoke without fire. Identifying the root cause of domestic violence from your spouse will reduce or eradicate it in your marriage.
  2. Be prayerful. Prayer can change a man that believes in domestic violence as a way of instilling discipline in his marriage especially if it’s spiritual. Some of the causes of domestic violence is not physical, but spiritually incline
  3. Separate from your spouse and take refuge in your maternal/paternal home. Separation is not divorce. When your spouse is abusing you domestically to the extent that your life is at stake; wisdom demand that you leave your home and take refuge somewhere especially your maternal or paternal home. Wisdom is profitable to direct [Ecclesiastes 10:10].
  4. Invite others to intervene. It is also wise to invite third parties like your parents, in-laws, your Pastor, etc. You can also seek the intervention of people your spouse has great regard and respect for to mediate in the issue. Keeping silent in marriage over delicate, and serious issue like domestic violence is not wise

There are issues that doesn’t need third parties to intervene. Don’t put your life at risk all in the name of marriage. Whenever you experience frequent domestic abuse from your spouse, open up and seek help from relatives, friends, etc. Domestic violence is inhuman treatment to another. It’s morally, emotionally, and psychologically wrong. God frowns at it because it’s ungodly.

Are you experiencing domestic violence in your marriage ? Speak out and don’t die in silence. Are you an abuser and thinks that you can bully your spouse because you are the bread winner and nothing will happen ? Think twice because whatever thing you do to your fellow human has it repercussion, payback. Remember and do not be deceived that God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows; he will surely reap [Gal 6:7].

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Francis Kuro

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Kuro Francis

Francis is a Christian Blogger, publisher, relationship expert, and counselor.