Kuro Francis
3 min readApr 26, 2022


Francis Kuro Francis April 27,2022

Marriage is indeed the oldest institution known to man. And it’s a thing of joy for individuals whenever they want to get married. Marriage is ordained by God first in the garden of Eden between Adam and Eve. The Plan of God towards marriage is for both couples to live together happily as husband and wife.[Gen 2:10, Mathew 19:4–6].

To reduce the rate of divorce; it’s important for intending couples to be educated about some of the pre-marriage counsel/advice. Marriage is a lifetime commitment while wedding is only a ceremony. It’s unfortunate that a lot of people spend time, resources etc in planning for their wedding but neglect the time to prepare themselves emotionally, psychologically etc. If intending couples should prepare themselves and know what it takes to be married then the chances of divorce will be reduce. Some of the things couple should have in mind before getting married are:

  1. Work and improve on your negative habit/lifestyle. Before getting married, their are certain qualities you desire from your would be spouse. For example if you are a drug addict and desire someone that is not a drug addict; wisdom demand that you work on yourself and be free from drug addiction before getting married.

2.Faithfulness. If you desire a partner that is faithful, ask yourself first, am i faithful? Every intending couple should lead by example. An unfaithful would be couple should endeavor to remain faithful if he or she desire someone that is faithful.

3.Be good friends. It’s common these days where some parents will arrange someone that will marry their son or daughter. Marriages contracted with these kind of arrangement may likely crash.

4.Communicate effectively and consistently over issues that will arise after the marriage or wedding. Don’t be secretive. Be open to each other about some of your past deeds. Discuss about religion, number of children to have, sex, inlaws etc. A partner that has a child outside wedlock should freely communicate it to his would be spouse to avoid issues that may arise after.

If some of these issues are looked into before marriage, it’s possible that the rate of divorce in our society will reduce drastically. Remember marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled[Hebrews 13:4].

Francis Kuro

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Kuro Francis

Written by Kuro Francis

Francis is a Christian Blogger, publisher, relationship expert, and counselor.

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